China Eastern Airlines’ CIIE-Themed Airplane Lands in Netherlands

The world’s first China International Import Expo (CIIE)-themed airplane flew from the Putong International Airport in east China’s Shanghai to ...

The world’s first China International Import Expo (CIIE)-themed airplane flew from the Putong International Airport in east China’s Shanghai to the third destination on its global tour, Schiphol airport in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on August 31 following its previous two trips to Paris and London.

The special CIIE-themed aircraft was jointly launched by China Eastern Airlines (China Eastern) and China International Import Expo Bureau. A Boeing 777-300ER jet, which is China Eastern’s international long-haul flagship aircraft, was chosen as the world’s first CIIE-themed airplane.

China Eastern Airlines’ CIIE-Themed Airplane Lands in Netherlands

The dominant tones of the colored aircraft were the shades of yellow and blue, which are also the theme colors of the CIIE. Besides, the mascot of the CIIE, Jinbao, a cartoon image of a giant panda, was featured on the plane. The picture on the plane shows Jinbao holding a four-leaf clover to express good wishes to people.

As one of the ten major airlines in the world, China Eastern is the main air carrier for air transportation between China and Europe. It was also among the first batch of airlines that launched air routes between China and Europe. Therefore, Europe is regarded as an import part of the global tour of the CIIE-themed jet.

The CIIE has offered various countries in the world an open platform for displaying national images and enhancing cooperation in international trade.

The first CIIE attracted more than 3,600 enterprises. A total of $57.83 billion worth of deals for intended one-year purchases of goods and services were reached during the event. Last year, over 3,800 enterprises attended the second CIIE, during which $71.13 billion worth of tentative deals for one-year purchases of goods and services were reached. 


Company: China Eastern Airlines


Contact: Liu Jianhao

TEL: (0086-21) 95530


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